* learn how to run vi text editor

* learn how to insert in vi

* learn how to save file in vi

sometime when you want to insert something in vi it turn into visual mode

u can disable this visual mode by changing your mouse setting so insert mode in putty wont become visual mode. to do so:

1. create new text file call .vimrc


vi .vimrc

2. insert :set mouse=


i (press i on the keyboard for insert)

:set mouse=

press escape button to exit from vi insert mode

3. save the .vimrc file


:wq (: means we going to instruct vi to do next command, w means write, q mean quit - so it will save the file then quit from vi text editor)

4. to verify you .vimrc content


cat .vimrc

pls test by putty again to your shell account and vi some text file then try copy and paste using your mouse. the visual mode shoulnt there by now